1 | F For You | DISCLOSURE | |
2 | The Future Is Yours | KRAAK & SMAAK | |
3 | Waitin For You (Till Von Sein & Tigerskin Remix) | FETSUM | |
4 | The Tea (Aki Bergen Remix) | CHOKLATE | |
5 | In Public | TIGERSKIN | |
6 | Barfuss auf Wolken | KLANGKUENSTLER | |
7 | Boy Boy Boy | ANDHIM | |
8 | Tobago | JONAS RATHSMAN | |
9 | Hot Mess (Sergej Gorn Remix) | CHROMEO | |
10 | Little By Little | FRITZ KALKBRENNER | |
11 | See Right Through | TENSNAKE & FIORA | |
12 | Come With Me | NORA EN PURE | |
13 | No Eyes | CLAPTONE & JAW | |
14 | Do Better (The Layabouts Vocal Mix) | THE LAYABOUTS FEAT. PORTIA MONIQUE |
total play time: 74 min 43 sec
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